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The Year of Less by Cait Flanders

Foto del escritor: Yulia DibrovskaYulia Dibrovska

Actualizado: 17 ago 2023

I bought this book for a bit of inspiration in my own search for less. Reading different books about how to keep your house clean and organized, I began to appreciate more and more minimalism. Less material things and more life. Since I started meditating on a regular basis, I got convinced as well, that less is more. So this book really captured my attention when I read a recommendation on Platforma (Ukrainian cultural online magazine).

Cait Flanders is a Canadian blogger and this book is like a very large blog post about her decision to ban all shopping, except the essentials and she could replace the broken things if she got rid of the old. In this book, she mentions also her fight against her dept of 30000$ some years before and how this influenced her to start with this new project. Basically, it´s: stop buying, declutter and save money every month. Perfect plan.

The Year of Less is a personal journey to all the decisions and changes she experiences. Some of them truly personal. I thought I would find a book with tips or things you have to do in order to live a more minimalistic life, but it´s more like a story of the life of the author. Sometimes she just gets stuck in her feelings and ruminating about the same events over and over.

Even though I got inspired by Cait to stop getting more and more books. In my previous post, you can read about my decision and the 135 books I have in my unread list for the next couple of years. Also, I want to become a more conscious consumer. I already use as little plastic as I´m able to, reuse and reuse everything I can, but there´s so much I can still do.

I´ve been and am, already decluttering, getting rid of the broken things, selling those good things I use no more and trying to change my shopping habits as well. Now I realize I´ve spent crazy amounts of money on clothes during my University years. I still have so many things from those years. Enough for the 3 closets I´m already using :/

The current economic crisis is a perfect scenery to rethink our priorities, learn to spend money on really necessary things and be more conscious about our shopping decisions.

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