We mostly know Charles Dickens because of his masterpiece Christmas Carol, so many times represented in theaters, movies and cartoons. This was also my case before I started with Our Mutual Friend.
I recognized in it the same conflict between the poverty and the richness as a clear image of the society of the moment and one of the central backgrounds for the novels of Dickens.
In Our Mutual Friend we see the danger of a large inheritance, the power of money to spoil and destroy in opposite to the virtue of love, kindness and compassion.
In this story you´ll descover many interesting and surprising sub-plots that interlock among them. We have an heir to a large fortune who mysteriously dies at the beginning of the story and whose fortune will raise many problems and pretensions among many implicated characters. Is it the best or the worst thing to become rich? Will the money make you happy or will you lose yourself?
Almost 500 pages to descover this fantastic story from the past and current today. Give it a chance and enjoy!