This book is the story of an amazing person, sailor, adventurer, who decided one day to rebuild an old ship and travel for several years around the world. Just imagine to face all the powers of the natural elements and all alone! Joshua Slocum did that and in quite cheerful mood, I must say.
Besides the natural dangers he must deal with savages, thieves and pirates. But apart from the difficulties there were also some very interesting meetings and new acquaintances with ordinary sailors, generals or even kings and queens.
While Captain Slocum was traveling around the world, some people he met still insisted that his voyage was "in"the world since the world is flat and not round. Surprised? That's something unbelievable nowadays but then our geography was still a mystery for many.
Lonely islands, violent sea storms, loneliness for long days and nights facing nothing but the immensity of the ocean, who wouldn't say yes to this kind of a trip? I thought it would be a tedious account of a solitary voyage but on the contrary I was much surprised by the uniqueness of this story reported by the same person who was living it on board of the "Spray", after the cruise of "more than forty six thousand miles round the world, during an absence of three years and two months."
Don't miss this adventure, Spray ahoy!